The problem, as I see it, is that of inducing integration in concentric circles, as it were, from self to family to community to a culture to humanity, inducing a realization that loyalty to one of these need not clash with loyalty to another.
My Commitment to Peace
I have children, and I do not want them to writhe in agony or to turn into automata or to repeat the atrocious lies amid which they live. Therefore, I am engaged in a struggle, which I often feel to be a hopeless one, but which I have no choice but to wage.
Prisoner’s Dilemma
What does it take to act in a collectively rational manner? The main trouble lies in the mistaken belief that "rational" choices are those that seem to be in one's own interest.
Universal Values in the Light of System Science
The often assumed dimensions of values are "the True," "the Good" and "the Beautiful (or the Delightful)." We shall ask two questions regarding each of these dimensions. (1) Can universality be attained? (2) Must it be attained in the foreseeable future to avoid extinction?
Tit for Tat and Beyond: The Legendary Work of Anatol Rapoport
by Shirli Kopelman. This article celebrates the scholarly contributions of Anatol Rapoport, the Lifetime Achievement Award recipient for the International Association for Conflict Management (IACM) in 1996.
Remembering Anatol Rapoport: The Path to Peace
by Leonard V. Johnson. As Commandant of the National Defence College of Canada in 1983 I invited Professor Rapoport to provide fresh perspectives on conflict at an especially dangerous time of the Cold War. Beginning with the Prisoner's Dilemma mind game on the superiority of cooperation over competition, he showed how the armed forces of contending states are, in fact, unwittingly cooperating to maintain the institution of war.