If increased destructive potential enhances security, one must conclude that people are more secure today than they were thirty years ago. Are they?
The Ticking Bomb of Peace and Conflict Studies
Indoctrination achieves its results by narrowing the channels along which thoughts are allowed to run. Enlightenment broadens both the range of knowledge and ways of attaining it.
The Seduction of the Scientist
It is discouraging to see in the current debate on national security, outstanding scientists in the service of demagogy, rationalizing their betrayal of the scientific ethos by posing as "hard-headed realists" condescendingly explaining the facts of life to the naive.
The Scientific Approach to Ethics and its Consequences
Science is the only human activity which taps the really universal commonality of human experience at its roots.
Three Modes of Conflict
The three modes of conflict suggest three approaches to peace research, the systemic, the strategic and the ideological. If peace research is to contribute to the hope of establishing a durable peace on this planet, all three directions must be synthesized into a science of peace.
Reconciliation and Resistance: Two Sides of a Coin (c. 1991)
Let poverty, disease, injustice, tyranny play the role of the common enemy of humankind. And of course the institution of war can play the star part.
Moratorium Day – October 15, 1969
Our ancestors used to say that the price of liberty is eternal vigilance. Americans, in their comfort, their pursuit of individual advantages, in their worship of the bitch goddess of success, forgot to pay the instalments, and their liberties were re-possessed.
Can Humanity Eliminate War?
Put in this way, the question suggests that humanity is an actor endowed with intentions and a range of capabilities for carrying these intentions out. The question is similar to questions like "Can John stop drinking?" or "Can Tokyo reduce traffic accidents?" These questions can be answered by "yes" or "no," because both John and… Continue reading Can Humanity Eliminate War?
Open Letter to Lt. Calley
Reflections on morality occasioned by a rare American war crimes trial.
The Relevance of the Systemic Outlook to our Present Predicament
Humane values are inherent in science, viewed not primarily as a source of know-how in manipulating things or people but rather as a source of wisdom, a spiritually inspired human enterprise which has transcended its purely instrumental origins.